Über Bulgarien

The village of Zheravna – at a distance of 48 km from Sliven, this charming museum-village is cuddled at the foot of the peak of Razboyna, in the part of the Balkan Mountain surrounding the town of Kotel, and it is one of the best examples of the Bulgarian architecture (some of the houses are more than 300 years old).

Popular sights in the village include the museum house of the merchant Rusi Chorbadzhi from the early 18th century, the Church of St Nicholas inaugurated in 1834 and housing icons from the 18th and early 19th century, the museum house of the noted writer Yordan Yovkov born in 1880, the art gallery occupying the old class school and the museum house of the educator Sava Filaterov.

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875 EUR
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669 EUR
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